Class OdesFunction


public class OdesFunction
extends Object
Class to return rhs of differential equations.
To be subclassed by specific functions, which must provide: Optional parameters are:

Variable Index

 o a
array giving map paramters
 o aDefault
array giving default values of map parameters
 o dt
 o ghostTime
 o nParameters
number of parameters
 o nVariables
number of map variables
 o poincareSection
 o title
the name of the function to use as a graph title
 o trans
 o wrapX
 o wrapXValue
 o wrapY
 o wrapYValue
 o wrapZ
 o wrapZValue
 o x0
the default value of the initial value of x

Constructor Index

 o OdesFunction(int)

Method Index

 o derivs(double[], double)
Returns RHS of differential equations
 o getNParameters()
Returnd the number of parameters defining the ode
 o setParameters(double[])
Sets the map paramters


 o nParameters
 int nParameters
number of parameters

 o nVariables
 int nVariables
number of map variables

 o a
 double a[]
array giving map paramters

 o aDefault
 double aDefault[]
array giving default values of map parameters

 o wrapX
 public boolean wrapX
 o wrapXValue
 public double wrapXValue
 o wrapY
 public boolean wrapY
 o wrapYValue
 public double wrapYValue
 o wrapZ
 public boolean wrapZ
 o wrapZValue
 public double wrapZValue
 o x0
 double x0[]
the default value of the initial value of x

 o dt
 double dt
 o trans
 double trans
 o ghostTime
 double ghostTime
 o poincareSection
 double poincareSection
 o title
 String title
the name of the function to use as a graph title


 o OdesFunction
 OdesFunction(int n)


 o setParameters
 public void setParameters(double parameters[])
Sets the map paramters

paramters - the array of input paramters
 o derivs
 public double[] derivs(double x[],
                        double t)
Returns RHS of differential equations

x[] - vector of current value of dependent variables
n - number of dependent variables in array x[]
t - current value of independent variable
n component vector giving derivatives of dependent variables
 o getNParameters
 public int getNParameters()
Returnd the number of parameters defining the ode

number of parameters