import ChaosDemos.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; //*********************************************************************** /** Iterates and plots the quadratic and sine maps, and demonstrates * functional composition and rescaling.
* Uses the "Java Graph Class Library" by Leigh Brrokshaw * @author Michael Cross * @version 3 August, 1997 */ //**********************************************************************/ public class Scalemap extends dynamicGraph { /** Number of points in plot of f(x) */ int np = 200; /** nit = 2^nf -> functional composition */ int nit=1; /** number of curves */ int ncurve=-1; /** index of iteration curve */ int iterateCurve; /** iterations to eliminate transients */ int trans=0; /** compositions -> nit */ int nf=0; /** scaling factor: f and x are rescaled by (-alpha)^nsc */ int nsc=0; /** sleep delay in ms in dynamic iteration */ int delay=50; /** function: 0=Quadratic; 1=Sine */ int nfun=0; /** map variable */ double x; // x /** iterate of x */ double f; /** map parameter */ double a=3.7; /** string value of a: used because of string truncation */ String atext; /** initial value of x - scale */ double xmin=1.0; /** rescaled value of x- scale */ double xscale; /** starting value of x */ double x0=0.35; /** constants */ private static double alpha=-2.502907875; private static double Pi=3.141592654; /** GUI items */ private textControls variables,acontrol; buttonControls buttons; private ScalemapControls choices; private Panel leftPanel; /** parent */ private startMap outerparent; /** animation thread */ private Thread aThread=null; /** classes used */ private superGraph2D graph; private movie theMovie; //********************************************************************* /** * @param target starting class * @see startMap */ //********************************************************************* Scalemap(startMap target) { graph = new superGraph2D(this); theMovie = new movie(this); xscale=xmin; x=(x0-0.5)*xscale; this.outerparent = target; setLayout( new GridLayout(1,2) ); graph.setXAxisTitle("x"); graph.setYAxisTitle("f(x)"); leftPanel = new Panel(); leftPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); leftPanel.add("Center",graph); leftPanel.add("South",theMovie); theMovie.scrollStart = 4; theMovie.setScroll(); add(leftPanel); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); Panel rightPanel = new Panel(); rightPanel.setLayout(gridbag); add(rightPanel); // c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; c.gridheight = 2; c.gridwidth=1; c.weightx=1.; c.weighty = 1.0; String[] buttonLabels={" Reset "," Clear ", " Step "," Start "," Stop "}; buttons = new buttonControls((dynamicGraph) this, buttonLabels,buttonLabels.length); buttons.b_init[0] = true; buttons.b_stopped[4] = false; buttons.b_started[1] = true; buttons.b_started[4] = true; buttons.setup(); gridbag.setConstraints(buttons, c); rightPanel.add(buttons); String[] textboxes = {String.valueOf(nf),String.valueOf(nsc), String.valueOf(x0),String.valueOf(xmin), String.valueOf(trans)}; String[] labels = {" nf"," nsc"," x0", "scale"," trans" }; variables = new textControls((dynamicGraph) this,textboxes,labels,textboxes.length); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gridbag.setConstraints(variables, c); rightPanel.add(variables); String[] abox={String.valueOf(a)}; String[] alabel={" a = "}; acontrol = new textControls((dynamicGraph) this,abox,alabel,1); c.gridheight = 1; c.gridwidth=GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gridbag.setConstraints(acontrol, c); rightPanel.add(acontrol); choices = new ScalemapControls(this,4); c.weightx = 0.0; c.weighty=0.0; c.gridheight=1; gridbag.setConstraints(choices, c); rightPanel.add(choices); graph.clearAll=true; repaint(); if(target.inputParameters) { choices.setChoices(target.function, target.sign, target.point,target.index); choices.setFromChoices(); if(target.atext.length()>0) { nfun=target.function; acontrol.setText(0,target.atext); atext=""; } for(int i=0;i * (May fail under Windows95) */ //************************************************************************ public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { switch ( { case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY: movieStop(); outerparent.hideWindow(); return super.handleEvent(evt); case Event.WINDOW_ICONIFY: movieStop(); buttons.enableGo(); enableAll(); // System.out.println("Window minimized"); return super.handleEvent(evt); default: return super.handleEvent(evt); } } //********************************************************************* /** * Disables text input and choice contorls */ //********************************************************************* public void disableAll() { for(int i=0;i=0) ncurve = graph.deleteAllCurves(); data[0]=-0.5+0.5; data[1]=-0.5+0.5; data[2]=0.5+0.5; data[3]=0.5+0.5; ncurve = graph.addCurve(data,2,; ip=0; for(i=j=0; i=-0.5) && (xdum<=0.5) && (fdum>=-0.5) && (fdum<=0.5)){ data[j] = xdum+0.5; data[j+1] =fdum+0.5; j+=2; ip++; // System.out.println("ip= "+ip+" xdum= "+xdum+" fdum= "+fdum); } /* if(xdum>=-0.5) { if (xdum<=0.5){ if(fdum>=-0.5){ if(fdum<=0.5){ data[j] = xdum+0.5; data[j+1] =fdum+0.5; j+=2; ip++; System.out.println("i[= "+ip+" xdum= "+xdum+" fdum= "+fdum); } } } } */ x=f; } if(ip > 2) { ncurve = graph.addCurve(data,ip,; } x=xb; data[0]=x/xscale+0.5; data[1]=x/xscale+0.5; f = function(nit); data[2]=x/xscale+0.5; data[3]=f/xscale+0.5; ncurve = graph.addCurve(data,2,; iterateCurve = ncurve; // graph.clearAll= false ; graph.paintAll=true; graph.repaint(); } //********************************************************************* /** * Iterates class variables via map functions x->f f->f(x) */ //********************************************************************* public boolean iterate() { double[] moredata = new double[6]; moredata[0]=x/xscale+0.5; moredata[1]=f/xscale+0.5; moredata[2]=f/xscale+0.5; moredata[3]=f/xscale+0.5; moredata[4]=f/xscale+0.5; x=f; f = function(nit); moredata[5]=f/xscale+0.5; // Don't paint while updating data graph.paintAll=false; // To keep number of points in plot down // if(graph.nPoints(iterateCurve)>200) { // graph.deleteFromCurve(100,iterateCurve); // } graph.appendToCurve(moredata,3,iterateCurve); graph.paintAll=true; graph.clearAll=false; graph.repaint(); return true; } //********************************************************************* /** * Stop thread */ //********************************************************************* public void stop() { movieStop(); enableAll(); } //********************************************************************* /** * Restarts iteration on mouse click * @param xcoord x-coordinate of event * @param xcoordValid true if event within x-range set by axes * @param ycoord y-coordinate of event * @param ycoordValid true if event within y-range set by axes */ //********************************************************************* public void respondToMouse(double xcoord, boolean xcoordValid, double ycoord, boolean ycoordValid) { if(xcoordValid) { variables.setText(2,String.valueOf(xcoord)); if(aThread != null) { movieStop(); } updateParameters(); buttons.disableGo(); disableAll(); movieStart(); } } }